Sahas Urja Limited IPO Result

Sahas Urja Limited IPO Result can be checked here. Clear information about the IPO allotment status of Sahas Urja is given in our article below, please read it carefully. Sales manager NIBL ​​ACE Capital Limited has published the company’s IPO on Sunday Morning 3rd October 2021 (17th Ashoj 2078). An online portal is available for investors to check/view the results of the IPO.

The distribution of IPO issued by Sahas Urja Limited Limited has been completed on Friday morning. The IPO result distribution work will be completed at the central office of NIBL ​​Ace Capital Limited, the manager of share issue and sale.

According to the IPO prospectus, the refund process of the Sahas Urja Limited IPO result will begin on Wednesday after the share allotment. The credit of Sahas Urja Company IPO result shares to Demat accounts will be done within Thursday, and the stock is likely to be listed by the next Monday.

How to check Sahas Urja Limited IPO Result at Meroshare

As mentioned above, a bidder is advised to log in at the direct Mero share link — and follow the below-mentioned step by step guide:

Sahas Urja Limited IPO Result

1] Login at direct CDSC link —

2] Select Sahas Urja IPO;

3] Enter Your Demat application number;

4] Click at ‘View Result’; button

Your Sahas Urja Limited allotment status will become available on the computer monitor or on the Smartphone screen.

( Please note the details will only be available once the Sahas Urja shares are allotted.)

Sahas Urja Limited IPO Result

As there are more applications than demand in the IPO, the Sahas Urja Limited IPO result will be distributed by round-robin. While distributing through round-robin, 7,44,000 applicants will receive shares at the rate of 10 units.

How to check Sahas Urja IPO allotment status at NIBL Capital Limited

You can also check the share allotment status on the online portal of NIBL Ace Capital Limited (, the registrar to the issue. The registrar is a Sebi-registered entity, qualified to act as such, and it processes all applications electronically, carrying out the allotment process in accordance with the prospectus.

After the issue has been completed, registrars are responsible for updating the electronic credit of shares to successful applicants, dispatching refunds, and attending to all investor-related queries.

  1. Go to the web portal of NIBL Ace Capital Limited Limited

2. In dropbox, select the IPO whose name will only be populated after the allotment has been completed

3. Once the company is selected, you will have to enter either your Boid number, the application number.

4. Enter the captcha and click ‘submit’.

Once you click ‘submit, the status of your application will appear on the screen. Please ensure the details that you provide are correct. It will show the number of shares you subscribed to and the number of Sahas Urja Company IPO shares allotted to you.

2% of the 8,00,000 units offered by the company were set aside for employees of the company, i.e. 16,000 units, and 5% were set aside for mutual funds. The remaining 7,44,000 units were for the general public.

Sahas Urja IPO other Details:

IPO Issuing Company Name Sahas Urja Limited
IPO result Date 3rd October 2021
Issue ManagerNIBL Ace Capital Limited
IPO Issue Date22nd September 2021
IPO Close Date26th September 2021
Security TypeCommon Stock -IPO
Initiation of Refunds 9th October 2021
The credit of Shares to Demat Account15th October 2021
IPO listing DATE19th October 2021
Issue Size7,000,000
Total Capital3,500,000,000
IPO Face ValueNPR 100
Total IPO Share35,000,000 units
The share allocated for mutual Investment3,50,000 Units
The share allocated for Employers2,10,000 Units
The total share allocated for individual Investor6,440,0000 Units
Total applicants 24,74,736
Total Rejected Applicants12,236
Total approved Applicants24,62,500
Total applied Unit3,44,98,39 Units
Total Allocated Unit64,40,000
Total Allotted64,40,00
IPO ResultIPO Result

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