TU Grading System: Tribhuvan University has introduced a new grading system for students pursuing bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following courses: BBA, BBS, BBM, BIM, and MBS. Since the academic year 2074, bachelor’s and master’s examination results have been released without the pass or fail tag. It is now the year 2081.

TU grading system

Now the students will be awarded on a 4.0 point scale grading system that is from Grade A to Grade F. The Tribhuvan University TU grading system is decided based on 2 parameters that are theory & practical marks. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information regarding the TU grading system for masters and bachelors. Read on to know everything about the TU Grading System.

TU Grading System 2081 Bachelors and Masters

The new TU grading system will have a four-point scale, in which students will be awarded grades from A to F. This grading system was implemented to eliminate the schools from showing the numerical scores on the report card of each student. The Tribhuvan University Master’s and Bachelor’s grading system is used to assess the academic performance of students enrolled in Masters’s and Bachelors’ programs at Tribhuvan University. The system is based on a point scale, with each point representing a specific grade. The scale ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 being the lowest possible grade and 100 being the highest possible grade.

Marks Range Grade CGPA
90-100 A 4.0
80-89.9 A- 3.70-3.99
70-79.9 B+ 3.30-3.69
60-69.9 B 3.00-3.29
50-59.9 B- 2.70-2.99
Below 50 F Below 2.70

Also, these parameters will differ from one subject to the other subject. So under the new NEB grading system, no cumulative grade is awarded only subject-wise grades are awarded to the student. Tribhuvan University (TU) is the oldest and largest university in Nepal. It was established in 1959. The university has four main campuses: Central, Western, Eastern, and Mid-Western. It also has an affiliating system, with over 60 constituent campuses spread throughout the country. The university offers 2,285 courses in Humanities, Education, Social Sciences, Law, Science, Engineering, Medicine, Agriculture, and Forestry.

Convert TU Percentage to GPA

TU follows a credit-based grading system. In this system, each course is given a certain number of credits. A student’s grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of credit points earned by the total number of credits attempted.

Grade Percentage GPARemarks
A 90-100 4.0 Distinction
A- 80-89.9 3.70-3.99 Very Good
B+ 70-79.9 3.30-3.69 First Division
B 60-69.9 3.00-3.29 Second Division
B- 50-59.9 2.70-2.99 Pass
F Below 50 Below 2.70 Fail

TU Grading System 2023 Important Points to Remember

The important notes regarding TU Grading System are tabulated below:

  • Six types of grading are available to show the result, i.e. A, A- B+. B, B- and F.
  • The passing mark on the final exam at the end of the semester is 50% (Grade Point 2.7). In this way, students who get a Pass on individual papers with 50% or (Grade Point of 2.7) must have obtained a minimum Grade B or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 (or 60%) to pass the semester exam.
  • The make-up exam will be held only in semester cycles, but in the case of students failing only two subjects at the end of the 8th Semester, the make-up exam will be held.
  • A student who has not passed the internal assessment examination will not be eligible to participate in the semester’s final examination.
  • When the percentage of marks obtained by the student in the internal examination is higher than the percentage of marks obtained by the student in the semester final examination, the internal examination marks will be maintained only up to 205.
  • The minimum pass mark for internal including practical examinations should be 60% (GPA 3.0).

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