Nepal’s national flag was illuminated in the mountains of Switzerland to spread the message of global unity against the corona virus epidemic.

Flags of different countries are being lit amidst glowing lights in Matterhorn, Jermat, Switzerland. The Nepali flag was shining in the exact same light since April 25. Flags of Nepal, Pakistan, Iran and other countries are also displayed here.
Thus, flags of different countries have been flashing since March 24. It’s said that this was done to show solidarity with the people fighting against the Corona outbreak and to show goodwill towards those who helped in the epidemic.
Matterhorn in Zermatt is a gorgeous mountainous area of Switzerland. The courage to fight against Corona is symbolically done so that it’s as high as the mountain. Nepal has been praised not just as a country with friendly people but also as having the highest mountain on earth. It also states that it wants to send a message of solidarity to Nepal.
Nepal’s flag could be seen in this mountainous region till midnight. While various methods are being used around the world to express solidarity against Corona, the flags of different countries have been hoisted from the mountains in Switzerland in a creative style.